Easter 2024
As we are still in the Octave of Easter, with joyful hearts for our Lord’s Resurrection, we are giving you a glimpse of the events during the Holy Week to Easter Sunday, in how we observe the whole week, although we are following the same liturgy in general; still, we also have our own customs and traditions in Carmel as you will see.
A procession we made after the Palm Sunday Mass to the refectory; with the palm branches held by two sisters and accompanied by a hymn, they followed at the back.
Monday of the Holy Week
We commemorate the day when Jesus was anointed in Bethany…yes we too, in turn, anointed him with perfume ointments silently and reverently after the gospel is first read by one of us.
Entering the Holy Triduum. Seen here the altar of repose prepared to receive the blessed Sacrament at the end of the Lord’s Supper while the Pange Lingua hymn is sung.
An image of the bread and the chalice as Jesus instituted the Eucharist on the Last Supper.
“This is my body… this is my blood…”
Yes, Jesus did not leave us with empty-handed.
The greatest phenomenon to the world; Christ died on the cross to save us all. This is not an ordinary Friday but a one long day of the Passion of Christ!
And for us that day, a brief of cloudy sky like a white shroud appeared as if to cover His body. Nature do know how to re-live it…
Mater Dolorosa
Standing at the feet of the Cross was the Mother of Jesus…we commemorate her faithfulness to her Son until the end; and here we received some words of legacy left for us on those little cards.
The thorns…symbol of agony and pain …we learn the lesson from the Great Master of humility and obedient - who accepted death on the cross - to open the gate of Heaven for us all…A mystery for all ages.
An old-rugged Cross and the silent Moon stood quietly with an air of expectancy!
A skull-like shape Moon on early Holy Saturday, also reminded us of Golgotha…the place of the skull! Sometimes, lively imagination has a benefit too..! (and provided it gives glory to God).
Our Easter candle was proudly standing in front ready for the Vigil Mass celebration. Such a profound symbol of the presence of the Risen Lord among us; after the first fire is blessed and shared to all.
As our customary..
A simple decoration in our preparatory where we will receive our personal Easter-Triduum graces in a small piece of FISH!
Alleluia! Christ is risen!
A colourful Easter sun rising on the right side of the Crucifix without doubt; faithfully marking the day…although we are hoping and praying more for the autumn rain to come soon.
Bonus: Angry bird!
On rare occasion, this Willie was confronting the camera (taken just a few second before it gave a flying-kick to the camera!) - it doesn’t believe in technology, mind you..!
..but later on it repented and posed for a memorable photo with Jesus for Easter Sunday. Well done Willie!!
A great feast for our Community too!
We have our dinner party outside (the refectory!)…where we could talk and laugh without fear of breaking the Rule!!
So…let us celebrate and rejoice!!
Wishing you a Blessed and Holy Easter for you and your family.
Thank you and God bless.