We three kings of orient are,
Bearing gifts we traverse afar,
Field and fountain, moor and mountain,
Following yonder star…
and so is the intro of the distinctive and popular carol by John Henry Hopkins, Jr.
Now, who were the three kings, or the wise men, or the Magi that came to Jerusalem led by the star to worship the newborn King, a baby? The only answer I have is from the gospel of Matthew itself (2: 1-12), though it is just a short narrative, it has indeed made a great impression on the whole universal church throughout history. Yes, if one is seeking for more theories or research on this subject, they often say: ask Mr. Google.
But for here, let us review the story of the Epiphany in its simplicity. And I presume that we all know about the feast of the Epiphany of our Lord, like what we are celebrating on this Sunday.
‘…Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”’(v.2)
What I find interesting here is the little baby and a star. What is this? a kind of superstition? How do they ever say that the star they saw was his star? Honestly, I do not have the answer; still, imagine the baby and the star(??). Well, I would rather see it as the Magi and the star. We know that the end of their quest was the encounter with the infant-King. Such a great reward for an honest search. Here is the best expression for it…a profound life experience of the Epiphany! A manifestation of God to ME the Magi (well, of course by following the guiding star).
One of the unique traditions we have here in our Carmel is…on Christmas Eve, after the midnight Mass, the custom is to gather around the Crib where some collection of ‘holy cards’ are lay scattered before the nativity scene. It is known as “The Office of the Crib”. We will sing a carol and then each nun will come forward and pick up a card for her to read it herself. This is the moment when we “hear” God’s personal message to us. Oh, it is very fascinating! You could see the nuns’ faces beaming with awe while reading it. The cards containing all kinds of position around the baby Jesus in the manger, including the star! and especially the written words as a loving encounter with the Word in the simplicity of heart.
That is just an illustration to our own Magi journeying forth in a search of the infant-King, guided by the star in our heart. The things about this journey: It is an on-going process of God’s loving manifestation to us. It is always an open invitation (no closing date!), and the good news is all are welcome to participate in the journey. The retreat masters say: a journey ‘from the head to the heart’. Yes, we are the Magi! and I like this verse: ’When they saw the star, they were overjoyed’ (v.10) So we should become too, when we perceive Him with our heart. That is the star that goes before us leading us to the Truth.
I believe that the purpose of God creating the universe with all the stars or planets out there, is to remind us that there is God, and HE is in charge! We read that the Magi saw His star. Yes, true enough, it is HIS. That was what the evangelist Matthew proclaimed in his writing that this baby was GREAT. He owns even the star! and it points us to the fact that we are connected to this material world, not just the spiritual. As if the star above is the revelation for us that God, though He is larger than the universe, has chosen to be with us by becoming a little baby! So, take some time to look at the night-sky (as a Magi) and see His star(s). The beauty of it is that our heart will be filled with awe and wonder at God’s creations. If the Magi or the wise men can be as simple as what we read in the gospel, then we too could be one.
If you still remember, back in December 2020, we have the opportunity to see the great conjunction of the two planets (Saturn and Jupiter) just before Christmas. (It was also mentioned in the Christmas homily!) Yes, it was such an extraordinary event in the sky for that year. Since we Carmelite nuns are living behind the high walls, the only view we will get is either the ground beneath our feet or the sky up above. Well, it is a blessing that we could see the stars, and so the great conjunction too! What more, it was captured in one of our photos as shown here.
The great conjunction as seen from our cloistered Carmel after the sunset (22/12/2020)
As we ponder the beauty of God in His Self-Manifestation to the world, like the Magi after they have found the infant King, ‘they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.’ (v. 11). Let us also open the treasures of our hearts with gratitude to Him who has given us this celebration of the Epiphany every year, and by intuitively follow the guiding star that is revealed to us as we set our vision onto the higher, true, good, and beautiful loving invitation of God’s manifestation to each one of us. May we never lose sight of Him on our journey!
O star of wonder, star of night,
star with royal beauty bright,
westward leading, still proceeding,
guide us to thy perfect light.
The four planets were in alignment in May 2022, as seen from our cloister:
and the Crucifix!
Blessed Epiphany and Happy New Year 2023