The Birth of Our Saviour
For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given;
and the government shall be upon his shoulder,
and his name shall be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9, 6
Our nativity scene in the preparatory.
Our choir.
A contemporary nativity scene.
In the Novitiate
The library is not to miss it!
Our recreation room is READY to celebrate.
We are grateful for all our friends…
Thank you for your cards and gifts.
Our 2023 Newsletter in pictures…
22nd December
A straight line formation of the third quarter Moon with Jupiter above it as a Christmas sky manifestation.
Our camera also managed to take a closer image of Jupiter with its four Galilean moons (little dots!): one was on the far left and the other three were on the right for that evening.
Imagine if our earth has many moon as that planet…then our calendar would be like…??
The majestic of Springtime in Carmel
The delightful colours of our roses!
Which one you like?
Everyday we will hear and see the planes “using” our air space (like or not!), but on one unexpected morning, a hot air balloon was flying over quietly above us. Quite a sight, even our dog was surprised to see it!
June to July.
We had a major maintenance works operation done in our monastery. It had taken us out of our comfort zone for a while.
Look…even our main stairway was blocked!
This is the western sky after the sunset…a dance performance between…
Mars - the Moon
Venus - Regulus (star)
The cross - Mercury
…pierced through the dark cloud!
A brief fraternal visit from our new Definitor of the Order from Rome, with his confriar to accompany him.
Suddenly in mid morning, there came poured down hail-stones like crumbs from heaven. Just like that!
This was on one frosty morning. The roses had to brave the elements. Yes, it was freezing…
Seeing how fresh they are in the morning enough to make you smile. What a lovely nature!
It seemed that Venus stationed herself above the Chapel after one sunset. It chose the best spot!
A spectacular Full Moon of Flower for a brief entertainment in the eastern horizon.
A striking New Moon to behold in wonder during one sunset.
It also marked a festival of other religion.
20th April.
This is not the crescent Moon but the Solar eclipse…we saw it by using a piece of card board. Not bad.
Even our guard dog who was posing for the event was wondering: why his surrounding were a bit faded for a while?? Look at the puzzle on his face.
This image has not been edited…it happened that our camera lens has its own mind. Venus supposed to be like any other planets, but our camera wanted it to come out like that! It was a real surprised!!
Could it be God’s image of love??
On one evening, there was a fiery battle between the clouds and the natural satellite. They looked so fierce face to face. Just like an eagle’s eye!
February to early March
Our Vicar General for the Region with the President of the Association came to make their official duty of Visitation to our community.
It was a great agenda to begin the year besides the liturgical calendar.
We would like to wish you all
A very happy and peaceful
Christmas 2023!