Holy Week to Easter Sunday
We would like to share with you our journey during the Holy Week (Palm Sunday - Easter Triduum) to Easter Sunday.
In Carmel, we have the tradition where two nuns will carry the palms with cards hanging on it and presented it to the sisters in the refectory before meal while singing a hymn.
The Cor Jesu cards.
Something for us to ponder during this week…and, it was in old hand writings too.
A statue of Jesus was placed in the refectory on that day, as we also remembered the poor and shared our food with them.
The next day, on Monday after the Mass, we gathered around this statue of Jesus to be like Mary who anointed His feet in anticipation of His death and burial.
It was a Full Moon night…as if we re-live the agony of Christ in the garden..
Watch and pray..
A constant reminder to every Christian for more than 2000 years.
So we nuns were keeping vigil that night in the Choir.
Early morning, there were the sign of showers and thick clouds in the sky…similar to the tears that flowing in every eyes of those who are suffering..
Suddenly, the earth seemed to move so slow!…and the sorrow for Christ was so intensely felt. Such a mystery..
“My God, my God, why have you abandon me?”
After the service…
..we nuns gathered in the preparatory (for this year) to share with Mary the Sorrowful Mother, and to pick some written cards around her, again something for us to ponder..
..also now Christ has entrusted us to her, and she to us.
Our Carmel sky was so cloudy…Something was taking place in heaven…because Christ was sleeping.
Alleluia, alleluia, Christ has risen from the dead!
We received the fruit of our Tri-duum after the Mass written on a tiny cards!
Outside, the moon was shining in colourful delight..
..while we nuns were rejoicing in the refectory! Yes, for a few days during the octave, we will celebrate Christ Resurrection..so we exercise all our talents, such in cooking and speech!
Just above the crucifix, the moon was forming a halo on it.
Oh yes, the Saint of all saints!!
The most Holy Sunday of the year...The extrovert sun was painting colours in everywhere! Telling us to celebrate this DAY.
MARY was greeted by the morning sun and all her new adopted childrens around the world..
..for her Son has risen from the tomb. Her arms are always open for us.
We thank you O Lord, for this Day of days!
The gate of heaven is open wide for us all to enter.
We will walk before You with joyful heart, for our God is a LIVING GOD!! Amen, alleluia…